Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Filmmakers Alliance Meeting THIS Saturday!

Hey All!!

We are calling an FA general meeting for this Saturday at 3:00 p.m. General meaning not a sub-group meeting. EVERYONE is encouraged to attend. You're probably thinking "this is very last minute". Well, there's a reason you're thinking that. Because IT'S TRUE!!!

But we have an opportunity and need to take it to reconnect and figure out what everyone is doing to make films, and/or needs to be doing and/or what they need so that they can get busy doing!!

Also, need to share more about how Filmmakers Alliance is working these days and how to make the most of it.

Additionally, some very smart, make-it-happen kinda guys are building the filmmaking website I've always dreamed of. They would love to discuss certain things with filmmakers, so it would be great if many of you could stick around (or show up for) the reception after the meeting and help us make this site the most amazing filmmaking tool EVER!!

Lots a-goin' on, so hope I can see most of you in one fantastic, toe-tingling shot!!

February 18th, 3:00 p.m.
Film Entity Studio
4804 Santa Monica Blvd.

Please keep in mind it is an unusual SATURDAY meeting. Also, it is late enough not to interrupt brunch and early enough for you to go do something in the evening. Yes, we are always thinking about your social needs.

Best to you all and hope to see you Saturday,


  1. Put me down as locked and loaded!

  2. Man! Sorry I missed it, but will be needing the FA soon! You're amazing Jacques! -Marta M.
