Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The Short List - New Short Film Festival

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
SXSW and Me (Your Vote Needed....Again!)

"The Revenant" Opened on Friday!!

My buddy Kerry Prior's film "The Revenant" (on which I am generously credited as a Producer) opened on Friday!! Go see it if you can!! Here's the screening schedule: http://therevenantmovie.com/showings2.html
And you can vote for it to come to your town: http://therevenantmovie.com/vote1.html
Finally, here's a great review in Variety: http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117948111/
Thursday, August 23, 2012
FINAL REMINDER: Filmmakers Alliance Screening at Echo Park Film Center Tomorrow Night!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Cinereach 2012 Grant Cycle is Open - Deadline September 4th

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Filmmakers Alliance Screening at Echo Park Film Center

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
First Mondays!!

Misfire: The Rise and Fall of The Shooting Gallery

No Budget Film School This Weekend!!
Below is from my friend and FA Board Member Mark Stolaroff. If you are serious about making films you can afford to make, DO NOT miss this seminar. I will be teaching my two-day no-budget filmmaking class, "The Art & Science of No Budget Filmmaking" on August 4-5, 2012. I will be joined by some excellent guest speakers, including writer/director Michael Mohan, who will discuss his no-budget feature One Too Many Mornings, which premiered in Sundance in 2010, and his new feature Save The Date, which premiered there this year, and was picked up by IFC Films; Louise Runge and Samantha Housman, producers of the recent no-budget hit, 28 Hotel Rooms, which premiered at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and was picked up for distribution by Oscilloscope Pictures; post production guru Jacob Rosenberg, the Chief Technology Officer at Bandito Brothers, the media company best known for producing the studio film Act Of Valor, which was partially shot on inexpensive DSLR cameras; back by popular demand, my former colleague at Next Wave Films, Peter Broderick, President of Paradigm Consulting and one of the most sought-after distribution consultants in the world. And finally, Drake Doremus, director of Like Crazy and Douchebag. Attendees can take each class separately, each day seperately, or, for the full no-budget filmmaking immersion, the whole two-weekend, four-day bundle together, at a special package price. Register before midnight July 21st and take advantage of the Early Bird discount, and Students with a valid ID save even more. And just to sweeten the pot, everyone who registers receives a free copy of Movie Magic's Screenwriter software absolutely FREE, (a $250 value!); and will also get valuable discounts on Showbiz Expo's Budgeting and Scheduling software and Quick Film Budget's innovative budget-creation tool. For anyone who's ready to make a film and wondering how to do it with the little money they have access to, this is the class to take. After shooting my latest feature, I have new tricks up my sleeve, as well as some hard-learned lessons to pass along, and my guests will be passing along their no-budget secrets, too. These principles, tools and techniques can NOT be found in a book, at film school, or in other film classes, and this will be the only time I teach this class all year. If you know anyone in the LA area who might be interested, please pass this information on. I've been teaching this class since 2005 and the feedback has always been strong: "The absolute best class you can take on how to make your own low/no budget film. Seriously. I'm very indebted to Mark for sharing his experience. It allowed us to make Below Zero using many of the lessons I learned in his class." - Signe Olynyk, Founder, Great American Pitchfest; Writer/Producer, Below Zero (http://www.belowzeromovie.com/ ) Opening Theatrically in the Fall "One of the best classes I've taken anywhere." - Elisabeth Fies, Director, The Commune (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1104052/ ) Currently on Netflix and elsewhere "Your class was the 'kick in the pants' that Joshua and I needed to go and just make our film." - Nick Loritsch, Producer, Born And Raised (http://www.bornandraisedmovie.com/ ) Currently playing festivals "I wish I would have known about this before I went to an expensive film school. Your seminar and website offers real "nuts and bolts" practical advice that makes sense. After attending that weekend I felt energized and challenged creatively - I was thinking like a producer and not just a smug artist with tons of lofty ideas and no means to accomplish them." - Michael D. Okum, Writer/Director, Expressway To Your Skull Currently in production "The most exhilarating educational experience we've ever had. And that's saying something since I'm 65 and my brother is 62. Your personal enthusiasm, your knowledge, and your care made it a fantastic weekend." - Ron Jackson, Producer, 5 Hour Friends, (http://www.5hourfriends.com/ ) Currently in post-production To read more Student Testimonials, visit: http://www.nobudgetfilmschool.com/id36.html No Budget Film School Presents "The Art & Science of No-Budget Filmmaking" August 4 & 5, 2012 · 9:30am - 6:00pm Raleigh Studios · Chaplin Theater http://nobudgetfilmschool.eventbrite.com Hope to see you there! Mark |