Distribution U.: The One-Day Crash Course on the New Rules of Crowd-Funding, Audience-Building, and Distribution
New York: November 13th
Los Angeles: November 20th
Special discount for Friends of Filmmakers Alliance
How can producers design innovative — and extremely effective — marketing, social media, and distribution strategies for their current project? That's the core focus of Distribution U., a one-day "crash course" taking place in November at NYU and UCLA. Presented by leading distribution strategist Peter Broderick and Scott Kirsner, author of the book "Fans, Friends & Followers," Distribution U. is a completely panel-free gathering that engages its participants in new ways. There are case studies, data points, and examples of films that have created successful audience-building and distribution strategies…small-group lunch discussions with industry experts...filmmakers discussing the decisions they’ve made, good and bad…time for networking and sharing resources...and a brainstorming session to develop useful ideas for projects that Distribution U. participants are working on. One participant at last year's Distribution U. in Los Angeles said: "It was an excellent, thought-provoking, and practical program." Another said, “The room felt like the future to me.” We hope you can be part of the 2010 edition.
Friends of FA receive a special $25 discount by registering at the links below... and there are deeper discounts for groups of two and three participants.
November 13th in NY
November 20th in LA